C.N. Liew, a pioneer of contemporary ink from South East Asia, was born in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Liew is the first artist whose contemporary calligraphy works have been collected by the National Palace of Malaysia. In 2016, Asia Week named C.N. Liew as the “World Outstanding Young Leaders Award” winner for his contribution in art.

Liew’s creations imbue Zen and philosophical elements as well as a fusion of traditional and contemporary aesthetics. He works with a variety of media including ink, calligraphy, acrylic, watercolour, sculpture and has collaborated with other artists from different fields, incorporating his art in contemporary dance, musicals and fashion.

The National Art Gallery of Malaysia has presented “C.N. Liew: Beyond the Borders” in 2020. Liew was the first contemporary ink art artist to be invited to present a solo exhibition at the National Art Gallery of Malaysia, the most esteemed art institution in the nation.

Liew’s works are in the collection of the National Art Gallery and the National Palace of Malaysia, University of Cambridge, Peking University, Xiamen University (Universitas Amoiensis), Embassy of the People’s Republic of China, Tokyo Fuji Art Museum, Fo Guang Shan Buddha Museum in Taiwan, The Academy of Contemporary Ink Art of Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts and many important private collections across Asia, Europe and the United States. Various renown archives such as Asia Art Archive, National Art Gallery of Malaysia Artist Archive and Beijing KUART also documented and featured his works.

Liew has been featured prominently for the past 20 years by various media platforms and journals showcasing his evolving creativity. Since his journey in 2000 to date, his works has been featured across more than a hundred publications in various media.

In November 2022 to January 2023, Liew presented an exhibition “C.N. Liew: Rocks from Yon Hills” at Clare Hall, University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom, debuting his “The Rocks” series in Europe. Furthermore, Liew’s “Beyond the Border” and “The Great Refinement” series are featured at the Kunming Art Biennale in China, a highly established academic event that showcase major works by the most prominent artists from around the world.



《亞洲藝術文獻庫》(Asia Art Archieve)、馬來西亞國家美術館藝術家檔案庫、北京《庫藝術》十年學術研究文獻《觀念中的水墨2008-2019》均收錄有劉慶倫之藝術檔案。

劉慶倫於2005年獲得韓國首爾市政府聯辦的【首屆首爾國際書藝雙年展】大會特別獎;他的作品發表於巴塞爾藝術展(Art Basel)、邁阿密藝術展(Art Miami)、香港典亞藝博(Fine Art Asia)、水墨藝博(Ink Asia)等,同時獲得英國劍橋大學、馬來西亞國家美術館、馬來西亞國家大皇宮、中華人民共和國大使館、中國北京大學、中國廈門大學、東京富士美術館、高雄佛陀紀念館、上海視覺藝術學院當代水墨藝術研究院、以及歐美、亞洲多國公共與私人收藏。


劉慶倫近期的綜合媒材系列《臨界境》, 宏觀探討當代『衝突與和諧』的核心價值觀。





2022至2023年,劉慶倫於英國劍橋大學克萊爾學堂舉行畫展「劉慶倫:他山之石」,其《石頭計》系列首次於歐洲亮相。此外 ,劉慶倫的《臨界境》及 《大書寫》作品系列亦於中國昆明美術雙年展展出,同場將展示來自世界各地精英的優秀作品。

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