The Universal Whence And Whither? — A Dialogue With Stephen Hawking

宇宙從何來,又往何處去?— 與霍金對話

This is My Delight, Thus to Wait And Watch at the Wayside Where Shadow Chases Light and The Rain Comes in the Wake of the Summer — Dialogue With Gitanjali • Rabindranath Tagore

在影追逐光的地方,在夏雨來臨的時節,駐足等待觀望的, 是我的喜悅 — 與泰戈爾《吉檀迦利》對話

Where There is Shadow, There is Light… A Dialogue with Victor Hugo Quotes

陰影之處,即光明所在 — 與雨果句對話

BORDER 14 • Aesthetic Imagery

臨界 14 • 意象萬千

BORDER 13 • One (A Dialogue With Zhuang Zi)

臨界 13 • 一 ( 與莊子對話 )

BORDER 11 • Wisdom Eye

臨界11 • 慧眼

BORDER 10 • Impressive Sight

臨界 10 • 小風景

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